Perfectionism’s Hook
Perfectionism keeps us from pursuing our dreams. Its hook is not about striving for excellence but rather is a protective strategy according to Brene Brown. Joline shares ways to free yourself.
Perfectionism is not about getting it right or striving to do your best. It’s about setting unrealistic standards. Perfectionism keeps us from moving ahead and its hook can keep us from pursuing our dreams.
Julia Cameron, the author of “The Artist Way,” says that perfectionism is a loop – an obsessive, debilitating closed system that causes you to get stuck in the details of what you are writing or painting or making and to lose sight of the whole. The perfectionist is never satisfied.
Perfectionism is not a quest to do our best, but rather fear that we may be discovered for our flaws. What if we have an unconscious belief that we are not good enough? And perfectionism can become a comfortable unhealthy habit, and create even more anxiety. The fear of being judged is its hook.
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