
The Virtue of Courage

One of my favorite speeches on courage is by Teddy Roosevelt given in Paris, France, in April 1910. He said it is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or how the doer of deeds could have done better. Rather, what counts is the man who…

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The Virtue of Courage

Courage is the root that enables the other virtues to grow. When we boldly take a new step beyond our comfort zone, it empowers us to grow, learn, and adapt. When we tackle these challenges, our confidence and resolute expand. Perhaps we desire the strength to change careers, launch a business, write a book, or embark on an international trip.  Additionally, courage is required to set boundaries, to let go of that which is no longer serving us and be true to ourselves. What if courage is the prerequisite for the kind of fulfillment and happiness that creates the best version of ourselves? I explore the virtue of courage during this 12 minute podcast (minisode).

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A View Beyond the Ordinary
A View Beyond the Ordinary
The Virtue of Courage