Dying to Be Me is Beyond the Ordinary
My mom gave me a book about nine years ago that changed the way I view life. That book is “Dying to Be Me” by Anita Moorjani, and it’s one of my main motivators for starting my podcast, A View Beyond the Ordinary.
My mom’s thoughtful neighbor Carol gifted her this book since she was fighting lung cancer for the second time. Thankfully my mom shared it with me. This book is based on a true story of miraculous healing that took place after Anita battled lymphatic cancer for four years, ending up in the hospital in a coma.
Her near-death experience helped open my eyes to examine my own beliefs, motivations, focus, and what it truly means to love myself.
The Divine
Her description of being on the other side, or what some call heaven, gave me goosebumps. She felt only peace, compassion, and love there. She learned that we are all divinely connected despite our views on politics, race, and religion.
Can you imagine a world where all religions, politics and races are equal and everybody is valued and loved? I certainly would like to. If you have ever felt constrained by the dogma of religion as I have, this idea resonated with me. When we see one political or religious view as superior to the other, it’s limiting beliefs like this that can divide us rather than unite us. Especially if we are all connected and one.
What if what we focus on grows?
Anita asks us to imagine a large, dark warehouse and being handed a flashlight to see by. You would only be able to see what you shined your light on.
She describes somebody flipping on a switch, and all of a sudden, a new world appears that includes hearing beautiful harmonic music, and viewing a spectrum of stunning vibrant colors and images that we didn’t even know existed.
She learned that there is so much more than we are able to see. She realized that her focus had been on her illness instead of health. She had viewed cancer with fear and realized that it was actually here as a wake-up call.
With the array of choices, it takes mindfulness to work on not judging one as “right” or “wrong” as well as letting go of our own self-criticism. It’s amazing what we can achieve if we focus on what our heart’s desire instead of our fear.
What does it mean to truly to love yourself?
Have you ever felt you are a people pleaser and find it difficult to say “no”? My desire to not rock the boat and ensure everyone around me is happy has led me to say yes instead of being truthful.
Anita’s story explained how important our self-love is to our overall health and well-being. When we aren’t true to ourselves, we diminish our life force energy. She shared that this includes being in a job we don’t enjoy. While we may believe the compensation justifies our choice, according to Anita this demonstrates a lack of self-love. Our time and energy are valuable, so it’s helpful to evaluate our choices and notice when we feel drained.
Self-love doesn’t mean we buy ourselves expensive jewelry, clothes, or go to the spa. It’s helpful to examine our motivations around why we want these things. When we take the time to get still and listen to our inner voice, we begin to not only understand our motivations, we may just gain a deeper understanding of who we really are.
The power to heal
Our body’s power and ability to heal is greater than we have been led to believe. In most cases, Western medicine focuses on looking for cancer or labeling us with a diagnosis.
Typically, this leaves us in a state of fear, which depletes our immune system. While Western medicine certainly has its benefits, Eastern medicine views our health more holistically. When we take the time to get still and begin to listen to our internal voice that is connected to a divine source, we will be guided as to which steps are best for us.
Anita indicates that the cancer was a result of her unexpressed power and energy, which turned inward against her own body.
We build our own life force energy the more we love and trust ourselves. Anita’s speedy healing is nothing short of miraculous given her condition.
She shares that letting go of beliefs and judgments, and grasping her true magnificence in this state allowed her body to heal.
Doesn’t it feel refreshing to let go of comparison, perfection and all that other bull**** around not feeling good enough? All we need to be is ourselves.
The benefit of living in the now and gaining our power back includes letting go of past grudges, our limiting beliefs, self-judgments, and worry for the future.
When we are able to do that and focus on our heart’s desires and begin to trust ourselves, this may just be the best prescription available for more joy, vibrant health, peace, and love.
Gratefully, we don’t all have to be near-death to gain this life saving wisdom, thanks to Anita for sharing her incredible beyond the ordinary story.
As Anita says, “Let’s allow our magnificence to shine through.”
Join me on this journey. Subscribe to my podcast to be among the first to discover more Beyond the Ordinary stories. My mission is to elevate, envision, and empower our courage, connection, consciousness, so that we may pursue our own inner calling, intuition or dream.
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